What are your education development goals?


International Education Programs

Education is one of the community foundations we talk about the most, and the ‘Education For All’ initiative has made progress - but these programs can be difficult to implement effectively at an international level. You’ve got to think about equity, and cultural customs, how to find and adequately compensate your staff - and what about the special needs community?

Education programs need long term goals - and we want to help build programs that last! If you have a project need, we want to help fill that gap so your organization can meet its goals safely and sustainably. With a representative of your team on site when you aren’t available, you can build more trust and be more informed about your target community.

Even as Covid - 19 continues to disrupt travel, our team is available to transfer resources to your nonprofit site. If you’ve got computer equipment, textbooks, or any educational material that needs to move, let us help you get it there! Take a look below at some of the other ways we can assist your staff.

What Can We Do For Your International Education Program?

  • International Nonprofit. International School. Rural School. Africa. Latin America. Education. Education Development

    Social Media Assistance

    Our team can establish or manage your social media presence, create professional video content that can help raise funding, or build a website where you can share your story and nonprofit progress!

  • International School Construction. School. Girls Education. Rural Development. International Development

    Construction Projects

    If you’ve got a project spanning a few months to build classrooms or other campus structures and you can’t be on site regularly, let us oversee the progress to ensure things are going smoothly!

  • Teacher Training. International School. Education Nonprofit. School. Africa. Latin America. Schools

    Teacher Training

    One of the biggest challenges for your international school might be a shortage of qualified teachers. We’ve got the right connections to get your project off to a sustainable start!


What we’ve learned from international education programs.

We’ve partnered with dozens of education nonprofits in the developing world - and we are eager to share those experiences with you. We believe that our collaboration can speed up your start date, raise capital for your project, and connect you with critical resources and personnel all over the world.


School Support in Sierra Leone

Education Program in Rwanda